Featured Hera F Haryn BCA
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SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Hera F. Haryn EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility PT Bank Central Asia

As one of eight ESG Star Listed Companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Bank Central Asia (BCA), has carried out various concrete actions related to sustainability, especially in terms ofEnvironment, Social, and Governance (ESG).

As a speaker at the Plenary Session 2, International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Indonesia Mid-Year Conference at the Westin Hotel, Jakarta, on Friday, July 14, 2023, Hera F. Haryn, EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility of BCA, explained the vital role of communication in achieving the company’s sustainability mission.

“Our ongoing mission is to align all company activities with sustainable finance principles,” she said. BCA’s journey began almost a decade ago, in 2014–2015, when it designed Stage 1 of the Sustainability roadmap, until last year, it participated in implementing the Green Taxonomy initiated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

BCA’s various sustainability initiatives are embodied in concrete actions through the Environment pillar: Sustainable Financing, Digital Banking Operations, Recycle and Waste Management, Green Building & Energy Efficiency, and Nature Conservation. Besides focusing on the Environment pillar, BCA implements Socio-Economic Impact initiatives through the Education Service, Excellent Business Service, and Synergy Service.

“In the field of Governance, BCA implements the principles ofAnti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy,” added Hera, “We also have an Integrity Pact and a Whistleblowing System.”

Hera F Haryn BCA
During IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023), Hera (second from left) explained the importance of aligning the understanding of the mission of sustainability with the principles of sustainable finance through a series of effective communication campaigns.

Talking about the Public Relations (PR) campaign to support the achievement of Sustainability, Hera shared her commitment so that sustainability communications with various stakeholders, such as employees, the media, investors, regulators, customers, business partners, and others, can be managed optimally, “Through the commitment ‘always by your side’, we always apply various approaches to both internal and external stakeholders.”

In this regard, Hera revealed that aligning the company’s strategic vision of Sustainability with internal stakeholders is essential. Various internal programs have been carried out to support this, such as Sustainability Awareness Month, Info BCA with 100% paperless, and employee educational communications.. Then, for external stakeholders, BCA uses various communication channels such as the Annual Report & Sustainability Report, Content & Media Strategy on social media platforms, and events.

Hera F Haryn BCA
BCA's banking digitalization has significantly contributed to better strengthening the company's ESG rating.

Our concern for the sustainability of our surrounding communities is also manifested in various financial literacy initiatives, “Through various communication efforts, we try to provide financial literacy for customers and the general public so that they become stronger and have a better understanding of their financial management, so they don’t get caught up in rampant fraud.” (fraud and scams), because the more sophisticated the products and services in the financial world, the more sophisticated the actors act to deceive customers.” said Hera.

For this reason, by strengthening the customer-focus mindset, she added, we in the corporate communications and social responsibility division also supported education and promotion related to financial literacy through press conferences, strengthening the crisis management team, various PR campaigns, such as “Awas Modus” and #TolakDenganAnggun.

BCA’s achievements included giving public lectures at five universities involving more than 3,000 students, conducting Student Banking Tours for 18 schools with up to 1,000 students participating, and under the Bakti BCA umbrella, forming Foster Villages and Partner Villages in various parts of Indonesia.

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