IABC Indonesia mengadakan diskusi terbatas yang mengangkat tema “Optimizing Communications and Public Relations for the Advancement of Business Growth in Indonesia” yang dihadiri oleh para pemimpin dan praktisi senior dari berbagai bidang di Indonesia. Acara tersebut diselenggarakan pada Rabu, 3 April 2024, di VVIP Senayan Avenue, Jakarta, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan iftar bersama.

In this discussion, participants included IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) Board members and Distinguished Advisor representatives, as well as PR practitioners and business communicators. Also present were prominent figures such as Angkie Yudistia, Special Staff to the President; Maria Wongsonagoro, Senior PR Consultant; Muslim Basya, from the Executive Board of LSPPRI (Indonesian PR Professional Certification Institute); Tuhu Nugraha, Digital and Technology Consultant; Diyas Herrianti, Director of the Government of Western Australia; Rembianov, from Communication FIF Group; and Shanty Ruwiyastuti, Head of Media Academy. From academia, Moch. N. Kurniawan from Swiss German University and Elke Alexandrina from LSPR were also present, as well as many others.

The discussion covered a range of relevant topics, including the importance of understanding sustainability, the role of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the evolving world of PR, the need for future-relevant PR talent, the role of political communication in strategic communication, as well as a discussion on research and data to enhance credibility.
This event is an important platform for leaders and practitioners in the field of communication and PR to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences in an effort to increase business growth in Indonesia.