IABC Webinar Sustainability ESG Series: Examining the Development of Sustainability Commitments in Indonesia for the Net Zero Emission (NZE) Target

August 10, 2024

IABC Webinar Sustainability ESG Series:

Examining the Development of Sustainability Commitments in Indonesia for the Net Zero Emission (NZE) Target

Jakarta, July 16 2024 – The commitment to sustainability of Net Zero Emission (NZE), which first appeared at the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in 2015, spawned the Paris Agreement which was agreed upon by 197 countries, including Indonesia, to maintain an increase in global average temperature to 2 C compared to pre-industrial period and as much as possible keep the temperature increase from exceeding 1.5 C. In preventing extreme climate change, the world NZE agreement is to achieve the NZE target by 2050, while Indonesia has a target to achieve NZE by 2060.

International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) – Indonesia Chapter, as part of the IABC based in Chicago, Illinois, United States, also pays special attention to the development of sustainability efforts in the country, including in the Environment, Social and Governance pillars ( ESG), especially how to communicate, public relations, and public affairs can play an active role in voicing sustainability actions.

Elvera N. Makki, MBA, ABC, SCMP, Presiden International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) – Indonesia Chapter, stated, “IABC Indonesia is concerned with sustainability, including ESG in Indonesia, because of its enormous impact on human life now and in the future. The role of communication is very important to voice sustainability actions and increase public awareness, as well as corporations across sectors to jointly play an active role in achieving the Net Zero Emission target in Indonesia by 2060. “For this reason, we are holding this forum as a regular discussion with sustainability leaders and professionals, so that as communication practitioners, we understand and can help disseminate important information related to this crucial topic.”

IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) – Indonesia Chapter held a webinar “IABC Power Brain Communication Webinar 2024: Sustainability and ESG Series” with the theme “Net Zero Emission’s Targets and Updates”, presenting leading sources from various industrial sectors, namely Warsono, Executive Vice President Electricity System Planning, PT PLN (Persero), Nurdiana Darus, Head of Sustainability Corporate Affairs, PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. and Febron Siregar, Sales Director Indonesia, Wärtsilä Energy.
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Elvera N. Makki, Communications Social Impact Advisor VMCS Public Relations, and also President of IABC Indonesia.In discussions held online, Warsono, Executive Vice President Electricity System Planning,, PT PLN (Persero), explained the energy transition strategy from the electricity sector that is sustainable and just, “Each country has a different strategy in the energy transition, depending on the conditions of each country. In Indonesia, we have four technology pillars to accelerate the development of renewable energy with a gradual reduction in coal use scenario.”

The first pillar is related to the target of increasing renewable energy capacity by 75% and gas-based energy by 25% by 2040. PLN is also working on a super grid, as the second pillar, where the transmission network is used as a enabler which addresses the mismatch between new and renewable energy potential and demand centers. The third pillar focuses on the massive use of solar and wind power penetration in the electricity system through flexible and flexible generation smart grid. Lastly, the pillars green emerging technology, which maximizes storage usage, CCS/CCUS, Co-firing Hydroge, Ammonia, and new energy such as nuclear.

Nurdiana Darus, Head of Sustainability Corporate Affairs, PT Unilever Indonesia stated, “Unilever is committed to achieving targets Net Zero Emission in 2039, with real and measurable action in 9 (nine) areas along the company’s business chain in stages up to 2030, including those related to suppliers, raw materials, packaging design and storage, to logistics.”

Nurdiana also explained in detail the sustainability targets in each scope 1, 2, and 3, which focus on reducing emissions and decarbonization, “Unilever’s ambition towards Net Zero Emission included in Climate Transtition Action Plan (CTAP). In the period between 2025-2023, we have reduced 89.45% of carbon emissions during operationalization, installation of solar panels in several factories in August 2023 with a capacity of 2.5MWp, with a reduction in CO2 emissions of up to 1,500 tonnes per year, equivalent to planting 20,000 trees. “This installation is the largest in the Jababeka area.”

Febron Siregar, Sales Director Wärtsilä Energy said, “Wärtsilä has a decarbonization target in 2030. In line with the increasing amount of renewable energy, flexible balancing solutions are needed to ensure the stability and reliability of this renewable energy, whose capacity is expected to increase 8x by 2050.”He added, “To achieve Net Zero Emission by 2050, renewable energy must provide 89% of the world’s electricity supply. Choosing flexible and appropriate technologies for power systems is essential to maintaining a stable and reliable electricity supply. Wärtsilä recently launched the world’s first large-scale hydrogen power plant, addressing the need for decabornization in the energy sector.”

The three speakers agreed that to achieve the Net Zero Emission target, cooperation, collaboration and harmony across sectors and across stakeholders are needed, “Communication plays a key role so that sustainability goals can be achieved according to the planned time, so that IABC Indonesia also supports it through discussions and dialogue. “held regularly in our forums,” concluded Elvera Makki.

IABC Webinar Sustainability & ESG Series

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