IABC Leaders Discussion with Top PR Leaders and Practitioners

April 13, 2024

IABC Indonesia mengadakan diskusi terbatas yang mengangkat tema “Optimizing Communications and Public Relations for the Advancement of Business Growth in Indonesia” yang dihadiri oleh para pemimpin dan praktisi senior dari berbagai bidang di Indonesia. Acara tersebut diselenggarakan pada Rabu, 3 April 2024, di VVIP Senayan Avenue, Jakarta, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan iftar bersama.

IABC Leaders Discussion

In this discussion, participants included IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) Board members and Distinguished Advisor representatives, as well as PR practitioners and business communicators. Also present were prominent figures such as Angkie Yudistia, Special Staff to the President; Maria Wongsonagoro, Senior PR Consultant; Muslim Basya, from the Executive Board of LSPPRI (Indonesian PR Professional Certification Institute); Tuhu Nugraha, Digital and Technology Consultant; Diyas Herrianti, Director of the Government of Western Australia; Rembianov, from Communication FIF Group; and Shanty Ruwiyastuti, Head of Media Academy. From academia, Moch. N. Kurniawan from Swiss German University and Elke Alexandrina from LSPR were also present, as well as many others.

IABC Leaders Discussion

The discussion covered a range of relevant topics, including the importance of understanding sustainability, the role of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the evolving world of PR, the need for future-relevant PR talent, the role of political communication in strategic communication, as well as a discussion on research and data to enhance credibility.

This event is an important platform for leaders and practitioners in the field of communication and PR to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences in an effort to increase business growth in Indonesia.

The Power of Danone’s Storytelling to Uplift Sustainability

September 21, 2023

SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Arif Mujahidin Corporate Communications Director Danone Indonesia

Danone Indonesia, as one of the leading food and beverage companies, contributes to implementing Sustainability.

Danone is one of the world’s leading food and beverage companies that focuses on nutrition and healthy food products Founded in 1919 in Barcelona, Spain, by Isaac Carasso, Danone has grown into a global company with a presence in more than 120 countries. In Indonesia, with more than 14,000 employees throughout Indonesia, Danone Indonesia was born with the idea and commitment of the nation’s children to support consumer nutrition and hydration through the vision of “One Planet One Health”.

Arif Mujahidin, Corporate Communications Director, Danone Indonesia, shared insights with IABC Mid-Year Conference participants (14/7/2023) regarding Danone Indonesia’s mission in supporting Sustainability.

In preserving water resources to maintain water quality and quantity, Danone takes concrete action through one of the programs, by planting 2.5 million trees in 15 watersheds and providing access to clean water sources to half a million Indonesians.

“We want to bring health through food to as many people as possible, this is Danone’s mission today.” explained Arif.

Arif Mujahidin Danone Indonesia
Arif Mujahidin, Corporate Communications Director, Danone Indonesia explaining Danone's vision in providing health to the community at the IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023).

When running the program, Arif explained that this must be balanced with good communications.

Danone communicates the programs to stakeholders using content and storytelling strategies. “Good content is the foundation of effective communications to build trust, the content created must be able to communicate messages, educate readers, and persuade audiences. This can be done by using a storytelling strategy.” stated Arif.

Arif underlined four important elements that must be considered when implementing brand storytelling.

“The first is the importance of authenticity in delivering stories. Second, a deep understanding of the audience is an important factor, because the message aimed at children will be different from that aimed at mothers or students. Third, personalizing the content or information is also a key factor in brand storytelling. Last, the use of data is also an important component in delivering effective brand stories.” Arif explained.

Arif Mujahidin Danone Indonesia
Appreciation to Arif Mujahidin, Corporate Communications Director, Danone Indonesia as panelist session 2 IABC Mid-Year Conference given by Elvera N. Makki, President, IABC - Indonesia Chapter, and Founder & CEO VMCS Public Relations.

However, that doesn’t mean this is free from obstacles. Arif also explained the challenges currently faced, that anyone can create and consume content, which can lead to unhealthy competition and the emergence of hoaxes. He emphasized, “The emergence of various content and increasingly mushrooming platforms also becomes a daily challenge to create effective and interesting communications. But, remember that every challenge always comes with great opportunities. Face it and be a part of it. That’s how we grow.” closed Arif.

Sustainability Goals PZ Cussons: For Everyone, For Life, For Good

September 1, 2023

SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Elly Mustrianita Director of Corporate Communication PZ Cussons Indonesia

The issue of sustainability has become a significant concern internationally, including in Indonesia, in recent years. The most pressing issues include extreme climate change, risks of biodiversity extinction, social and gender disparities, and challenges in creating diversity and inclusiveness. This is a critical challenge for organizations, governments, and industries in Indonesia.

PZ Cussons, a multinational Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company with various leading brands in three core categories: Hygiene, Baby, and Beauty, is committed to implementing Sustainability as a foundation in all its activities. This begins with the awareness that sustainable growth must be accompanied by the power to create positive change. In close collaboration with a team of employees, communities, and all partners, PZ Cussons is committed to implementing Sustainability programs by applicable environmental standards.

Elly Mustrianita PZ Cussons
lly Mustrianita, Director of Corporate Communications, PZ Cussons Indonesia (second from right) explaining the "Call to Action" program in support of Sustainability.

Elly Mustrianita, Director of Corporate Communications, PZ Cussons Indonesia, who was present as one of the panelists for session 2 at the IABC Mid-Year Conference themed “Public Relations Campaign to Support Sustainability and Impact Initiatives” revealed, “PZ Cussons is headquartered in Manchester, UK, present at world for more than 130 years, and has been operating in Indonesia for more than 35 years by presenting lovely brands such as Cussons Baby, Cussons Kids, Imperial Leather, Original Source and Carex. PZ Cussons commitment to Sustainability and the well-being of consumers is implemented and pursued in a real way in running the business by PZ Cussons purpose “For Everyone, For Life, For Good”.

In her presentation, Elly said that Sustainability had become the DNA of PZ Cussons and explained the established sustainability framework.

“The sustainability framework from PZ Cussons is For Everyone, which is how we can make products that have positive impact to the employees, the community, and everyone who uses our products. For Life, where we promote activities that benefit the environment, and For Good, how we do business that continues to grow in the future. We are focused on managing, monitoring, and enhancing our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts to deliver better outcomes for everyone.” said Elly.

In implementing Sustainability, PZ Cussons focuses on 5 areas, these are water pollution, earth and oceans, deforestation, equality and fairness, and community impact. “PZ Cussons seeks to develop and provide maximum impact in these areas,” said Elly. The target of this effort is to achieve B Corp certification by 2026. “We are on our way to achieving B Corp Certified by 2026.” she added.

In community activities, PZ Cussons launched the “Call to Action” program, which involves collaborating with the community to take real action and positively impact the three main pillars, these are education, hygiene, and plastic waste.

Elly revealed, “Starting from upstream to downstream business processes, product innovation, especially by reducing the use of plastic, consumer services that ensure the safety and comfort of hygienic products for family, and inviting community involvement through education, outreach, and community assistance, we invite and participate in building clean and healthy living habits, as well as preserving the environment, including through reducing the use of plastic and managing waste segregation wisely.”

Elly Mustrianita PZ Cussons
Elly explained that PZ Cussons had an impact on society through 3 main pillars, education, hygiene and plastic waste.

In education, PZ Cussons actively supports early childhood by providing support to ensure children can develop their creativity and supports government programs so that children can grow healthy and creative and maintain their hygiene. This is manifested in real action through the “Back to School” program, which aims to empower children regarding personal hygiene after the Covid-19 pandemic and education about plastic waste management.

“We partnering with the Education Authorities and Bank DKI to support 12,500 children and ensure they keep the body hygiene when back to school,” said Elly.

Another program implemented by PZ Cussons is “Cussons Bintang Kecil” which has been active for 11 consecutive years to support the growth and development of Indonesian children’s creativity. “As a corporate initiative, Cussons Bintang Kecil is committed to providing ongoing support to Indonesian children as a platform to develop their creative potential.” explained Elly. Elly continued, “This program involves various activities and initiatives aimed at facilitating children’s creative expression, is one of the activities with the biggest prizes from the similar brands.

Cussons Bintang Kecil has launched various activation, and other creative activity to encourage children’s participation and provide a platform to explore their talents and interests. In a supportive environment, children can develop their creativity, self-confidence and support their development growth.

Elly Mustrianita PZ Cussons
Giving appreciation to Elly Mustrianita, Director of Corporate Communication, PZ Cussons Indonesia by Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, President, IABC - Indonesia Chapter.

Regarding hygiene, PZ Cussons prioritizes hand and body hygiene support. “We are committed to raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene and providing the necessary resources to ensure good hand hygiene practices among the public.” said Elly.

“PZ Cussons is one of the partners from the Ministry of Health according to SK KPS STBM concerning public-private partnerships for community-based total sanitation and PZ Cussons is in charge of supply creation in regards to providing ideas in supporting hygiene in Indonesia.” Elly continued.

Through this initiative, PZ Cussons hopes to improve hygiene and prevent the spread of disease.

Elly Mustrianita PZ Cussons
Ningcy Yuliana (center), Elly Mustrianita (right) and Elvera N, Makki (left) at the IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023.

In addition, PZ Cussons has partnered to manage plastic waste for the community. “We work with the right partners to carry out plastic management.” said Elly.

For awareness of plastic waste, PZ Cussons seeks to make a positive impact in education, hygiene, and plastic waste management, to build a society that is more aware of sustainability issues and plays an active role in protecting the environment and health.

Elly Mustrianita PZ Cussons
Participants enthusiastically played the spinning wheel game with questions about Sustainability at the PZ Cussons booth.

Achieving sustainability has certainly been a long journey for PZ Cussons. “As in our booth, we poured our Sustainability Journey Wall using an initiative called “Small Step, Big Impact, small step for a better future”. Even though the steps are small, they will produce good results in the future,” explained Elly.

Elly continued, “One of the highlights is the PZ Cussons program to support the Mului forest in rural of East Kalimantan, which takes up to 2 days to get there. This forest received Kalpataru Award in 2022 from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).” because of its role in preserving the environment.

Elly Mustrianita PZ Cussons
Ningcy Yuliana (third from right), Elly Mustrianita (second from right), and the team at the PZ Cussons booth.

PZ Cussons efforts to carry out sustainability efforts have yielded results, one of which is the launched of Cussons Baby Wet Wipes Pure and Gentle, which is the first baby wet wipes product in Indonesia to receive an eco-label certificate from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

“Cussons Baby Wet Wipes Pure and Gentle is the first baby products to receive eco-label certification from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. This product is sustainable and can be decomposed naturally because it uses biodegradable technology, and is safe for use by babies and adults,” explained Elly.

By introducing this product, PZ Cussons provides an environmentally friendly solution for consumers with babies & kids. The ecolabel certificate from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry shows that Cussons Baby Wet Wipes products meet environmental standards regarding raw materials used, efficient use of energy, good waste management, and minimizing environmental impact.

“Hopefully, these efforts can convince stakeholders that Indonesia is committed to presenting sustainable products.” said Elly.

By presenting environmentally friendly baby products, PZ Cussons continues to show its dedication to creating products that are not only safe and of good quality for babies and families, but also pay attention to environmental sustainability.

4 Steps of Pertamina’s ESG Public Communication Strategy

August 15, 2023

SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Fadjar Djoko Santoso VP Corporate Communication, PT Pertamina (Persero)

As a leading energy state-owned enterprise, Pertamina is committed to providing power and developing new and renewable energy to support national energy independence. Overseeing six Subholdings in the energy sector, Pertamina is fully committed to communicating ESG policies to its internal and external stakeholders.

Fadjar D. Santoso, VP Corporate Communication, PT Pertamina Persero said, “Our commitment is driven by the awareness to not compromising the ability of future generations in meeting their needs,” he continued, “We have a Sustainability policy that is in line with global sustainability practices. So that our efforts as a company that is environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and upholds good corporate governance, can be well-accepted nationally and internationally, such as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals, TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure), and actively participate in UN Global Compact, as well as carrying out sustainability disclosures by global standards.”

As a speaker at the International Association of Business Communicators Indonesia (IABC) with the theme “Sustainability Today, Legacy for Tomorrow” at Plenary Session 1, in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023), Fadjar explained Pertamina’s strategic public communication steps from goal setting, implementation, key messages, to monitoring and evaluating impacts through several measurement indicators.

“The main focus lies on Governance. The first strategy is Conditioning, namely creating information related to the implementation of ESG in its operations, and the efforts made by Pertamina in its commitment to support ESG programs,” said Fadjar.

Second, Reminding. “We communicate every progress through the mass media and social media so that stakeholders continue to see Pertamina’s consistency in implementing ESG.” Then third, Developing, which creates various information related to ESG through third parties, such as social observers, energy observers, and the like.”

“The last strategy is Strengthening, where we inform Pertamina’s ESG Rating that it is getting better, to maintain investor trust,” said Fadjar.

Pertamina Pak Fadjar
Fadjar Djoko Santoso, VP Corporate Communication, PT Pertamina (Persero) explained at the 2023 IABC Mid-Year Conference in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023), the green business initiatives at Pertamina with international standards.

One concrete example of Pertamina’s commitment to ESG is its efforts to manage carbon emission waste by capturing it and turning it into an energy source. “We are thinking about how the carbon emissions generated from our industry can be used as a source of energy again. For example in the CCS (Carbon Captor Storage) project. In simple terms, we capture the emissions produced and collect them to be used as energy again so that no emissions are wasted into the open air, “explained Fadjar.

“This effort yielded good results where based on Sustainalytics independent assessment, in a two-year period (2021-2022), Pertamina won an ESG rating of 41.6 – severe risk, then improved to 28.1, then to 22.1 – medium risk. In the oil and gas sub-industry, Pertamina is ranked 2nd in the world for its ESG.”

Pertamina is also committed to supporting the Indonesian government in achieving Net Zero in 2060 or sooner, by developing a roadmap for asset decarbonization and green business development. In this regard, several new emission reduction initiatives from the company’s operations, with a total accumulated reduction of 707,670 tons of CO2eq in 2022. “We managed to reduce approximately 7 million metric tons of emissions, and in total this year we have managed to reduce emissions by 31 percent and the hope is that in the coming year it will be even higher,” added Fadjar.

Pertamina Pak Fadjar
Appreciation to Fadjar Djoko Santoso, VP Corporate Communication, PT Pertamina (Persero) as panelist session 1 IABC Mid-Year Conference given by Elvera N. Makki, President, IABC - Indonesia Chapter.

Pertamina’s mission in achieving sustainability includes managing risks and opportunities related to the environment, society, and government, and effective communication with stakeholders.

Even though he has implemented all the programs, Fadjar revealed, “Communicating ESG is still a challenge for us to this day, for that, we continue to carry out various new strategies and approaches so that our sustainability communication can continue to be echoed to Pertamina’s core stakeholders,” he explained.

Until now, the achievement of Pertamina’s ESG communication program has reached more than 6,500 news articles related to ESG, with 90 percent positive coverage. n addition, this program also has a positive impact on Pertamina’s reputation as an energy company committed to ESG principles locally and globally.

Learning the Sustainability Journey of BCA

August 10, 2023

SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Hera F. Haryn EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility PT Bank Central Asia

As one of eight ESG Star Listed Companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Bank Central Asia (BCA), has carried out various concrete actions related to sustainability, especially in terms ofEnvironment, Social, and Governance (ESG).

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